Category: Artifacts

Iteti Ankhires

Iteti Ankhires Iteti Ankhires Dating from the Old Kingdom and found within his Saqqara Mastaba, this seated Ka statue of Iteti Ankhires is inscribed with the title of, “The Great One of the Tens of Upper Egypt”. A ka statue is a type of ancient Egyptian statue intended to provide a resting place for the...

Nude figure of the Seal Bearer Tjetji

Nude figure of the Seal Bearer Tjetji Tjetji is shown in the classic pose of a standing official, with his left leg advanced, a long staff in his left hand, and a sekhem scepter (now lost) held horizontally in his right hand. The arms of this statue were made separately and pegged to the body,...

The Rosetta Stone

The Rosetta Stone The Rosetta Stone, 196 B.C.E., Ptolemaic Period, 112.3 x 75.7 x 28.4 cm, Egypt (British Museum, London) (photo: Steven Zucker, CC BY-NC-SA 2.0). The Rosetta Stone was discovered in Egypt, at Fort St Julien in el-Rashid, known as Rosetta. The key to translating hieroglyphics The Rosetta Stone is one of the most important...

Raramu and Ankhet

Raramu and Ankhet This double statuette (57.2 × 36.2 cm) depicts the married couple Raramu and Ankhet, and it was found within Raramu’s tomb (G 2099). Raramu was an elite in Ancient Egyptian society within the Old Kingdom period, and he held many titles. Some of those titles showcase his royal ties, such as, “Priest...

Nefer of the Old Kingdom

Nefer of the Old Kingdom MFA, Boston. 06.1886 Nefer was a man of important status in Ancient Egypt’s Old Kingdom period. The owner of Tomb G 2110 at Giza, Nefer clearly held enough societal importance to have a decorated tomb upon the Giza Plateau to enjoy eternity within. Nefer’s titles vary, among some of which...

Nen-Kheft-Ka and Nefer-Shemes

Nen-Kheft-Ka and Nefer-Shemes Inscribed with the title of “Royal acquaintance”, this double statuette depicts a married couple, Nen-Kheft-Ka and his wife Nefer-Shemes. Nen-Kheft-Ka was the mayor of his town, and this statue was discovered within his mastaba, rock-cut tomb at Deshasheh. Measurements: 21 7/16 x 12 3/16 x 8 3/4 in. (54.5 x 31 x...

Mayor Nen-Kheft-Ka

Mayor Nen-Kheft-Ka Made of limestone, the statue is delicately carved in traditional style of the Old Kingdom period. The pleated linen of Nen-Kheft-Ka’s kilt and belt, and dagger resting upon his stomach, showcases beautiful craftsmanship. The remnants of paint, reddish yellow, giving a golden hue to the skin, white of the kilt and black of...

Dancers in the tomb of Urienptah

Dancers in the tomb of Urienptah Purchased by the British Museum from the Government of the British Protectorate of Egypt in 1904, this limestone scene and false door from the Mastaba tomb of Urienptah showcases the Old Kingdom traditional funerary art in a splendid display. Two ladies clap while the dancers perform. Tomb of Urienptah...

Official Mitry

Official Mitry The Statue of the Official Mitry. Dimensions: H. 101 × W. 51.3 × D. 43.7 cm (39 3/4 × 20 3/16 × 17 3/16 in.) Met Museum. 26.2.4 Mitry (formerly spelt “Merti”) was a senior official and province governor. His tomb’s serdab (statue chamber) contained eleven extraordinarily huge wooden statues. Five are in...